Attention Lab

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attention lab

From the moment we wake up in the morning, we are bombarded with messages from all sides. Our phones, our computers, our TVs. And it's not just businesses that are vying for our attention. Our friends, our family, and even our own thoughts are all competing for a piece of our mindshare.

For businesses, share of attention is extremely important because it leads to sales. When a business can capture someone's attention, it increases the chances that that person will consider their product or service.
Creativity is a key pillar for gaining share of attention. At Complicity, we can help your business create unique, memorable, and meaningful content that resonate with your brand and audience along the entire consumer decision journey.


we can embark on the adventure of sharing values, ideas, and purposes with your audience and skyrocket your chances of winning in the consumer decision journey.

McKinsey's Consumer Decision Journey

is a pivotal tool for businesses aiming to shape their creative strategies in alignment with the ever-evolving consumer journey. This framework acknowledges that the path consumers take from awareness to purchase is no longer a linear process but rather a dynamic, cyclical one.

McKinsey's consumer decision journey model recognizes the dynamic nature of consumer behavior, emphasizing the importance of ongoing engagement and post-purchase interactions in building lasting customer relationships. 

It typically consists of four main stages:

Consumers become aware of a need or desire for a product or service through various touchpoints, such as advertising, recommendations, or online research.

Consumers actively research and compare different options, gathering information from multiple sources, including online reviews, social media, and personal interactions.

This is when the consumer makes the actual purchase decision, selecting a specific product or service based on their research and preferences.

After the purchase, consumers assess their satisfaction with the product or service, and their experience can influence future decisions and brand loyalty.


Buenos Aires



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